Over 200 billion dollars a year is spent on drugs. Many of these drugs are old drugs in new bottles. I believe that I read somewhere that 2/3 of the drugs on the market are just remakes of old ones. In other words they got a face lift!

Many of these medications do not even come close to doing what they are supposedly created for. Many cause more harm then good, causing our already damaged immune systems to fail that much more. The side effects to many prescriptions are just as serious as the disease that they are to manage.And more common then you may be aware! It does not matter what we are viewing, may it be over the counter drugs for headache, prescriptions, vaccinations or other injections, we should all consider the harmful side effects that these toxins have on our bodies and our children's. Especially the one's that are not is small print but are just casually overlooked.

This section of One Bite at a Time will bring updated research and articles from major sources to further help you on your quest for a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. Learn the facts, so that you can make smart decisions today and always.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sleep Medications for Children

More than three-quarters of surveyed U.S. pediatricians have recommended over-the-counter sleep aids to children, according to a survey of 671 U.S. pediatricians.
Further, more than 50 percent had prescribed a sleep aid to some of their young patients and about 15 percent had also recommended melatonin supplements or herbal remedies.
Most commonly, antihistamines were recommended for over-the-counter treatments while alpha-agonists such as clonidine, which is used to treat behavioral problems, were the most commonly recommended prescription medications.
While such medications are "most likely safe," little is actually known about their safety or effectiveness in treating childhood sleep problems.
Moreover, sleep problems like insomnia are symptoms of other problems that often can’t be treated with sleep medications. Researchers note that doctors could be missing underlying problems and instead turning to sleep medications as the solution.
According to previous research, a significant number of children have sleep disturbances and children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, asthma and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to have problems sleeping.
However, most children’s sleep problems can be solved without medications. Doctors can discuss good "sleep hygiene" with parents, which includes helpful habits like encouraging children to go to sleep and wake up at regular times, avoid caffeine and be active during the day, researchers noted.
The current study was funded in part by Sanofi-Synthelabo, makers of the sleep medication zolpidem (Ambien).
Pediatrics May, 2003;111:e628-e635

This study was funded by the drug company that makes one of the most popular drugs used to help sleep (Ambien).

There truly are pills for everything! But I believe that you don't have to be a medical expert of any sort to see the dangers of giving our children sleep medications. What future harm are we causing these children? Do these sleep med.s actually help or are they only masking the real issue of the insomnia?

Looking yet again to the diet of today's children we have to examine what they are consuming that could be a root cause to sleep issues. By simply removing sugars, fruit juices and many grains from a child's diet along with the chemical overload of toxic additives found in processed foods, you might be shocked to discover that the road to a better nights sleep was found at your kitchen table, not a medicine bottle!

As this above article states however that ADD children suffer from sleep issues even more so, this is true...however if you are reading this section of the blog then most likely you have already viewed other blog sections discussing the power of diet when it comes to treating ADD, ADHD and autism.

Many of us have joked about giving our children Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or Tylenol on a long road trip so that they will sleep. Many give these over the counter medications a bit to freely not understanding what they are doing within the cells of the child's body. These medications have a place in our cabinets and lives, however they should be far and few.

All I can do is share with you what I do for my own children, what I have learned from years of research and experience and then turn over that knowledge and wish you the best in your decision making. With that said the only time I break out the Tylenol or Benadryl is when one of my kids get an ear infection. I rarely give a dose when they have a fever, because fevers are beneficial, it is the body fighting the bug. It is a positive sign that the immune system is working. However if the fever reaches to high a temperature, I will first cool the child with a bath or shower, then a cool drink...if this is not breaking the fever then I will resort lastly to Tylenol. But then I only give a half dose. Benadryl has a wonderful place when it comes to ear infections. Helping with the pain and causing drowsiness. Sleep is vital so that the body can heal in these cases. But again I only give a half dose and I treat the ear infection with an olive oil/garlic treatment, first checking to see if there is any blockage in the canal from built up wax. In which case I candle the ear, then follow it up with the oil/garlic treatment and normally within 48 hours the infection is gone.

I will later post on these home remedies discussed above.

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